+61 419 842 429 enquiries@asgs.net.au
In negotiation with the client on the demolition and asbestos removal works for Adelaide Oval, the client also awarded All State with the civil works package.
Burnside village is a very popular shopping centre, with thousands of people shopping their daily, All States challenges were many from, noise to dust and traffic management issues. With our experienced team running this project, we had not one issue with any of the work we carried out. Particularly with the building being separated whilst tenancies were trading immediately adjacent and working over the basement car park. This was managed due to constant communication with the builder and shopping centre management.
All State was selected as the preferred contractor for this project. The clients decision was made easily given All State's history on similar project's, safety, quality, experience and our variety of plant equipment suitable for this project. The works carried out by All State were:
All State was awarded the bulk excavation package at Murray bridge. All State was the selected contractor as we are well known for our large equipment to carry out large projects on time and in bdget, a total of 125,000 tonnes was removed in a 5 week period with the final detailed batters and levels completed not long after. We also encounted rock in one area which showed our true expirience and availability on heavy plant and equipment, we sent in our rockbreakers and made it look easy.
The client, overwhelmed with the experience and standard shown, once again extended the contract to carry out the remediation, civil works and capping of the site with topsoil.
Various areas were stripped of contaminated soil removing approx 5000 tonnes of low level contaminated material and supplying almost 9000 tonnes of 50/50 grade topsoil.
The council carried out the plantation works in house.
Another very satisfied client.
All State was awarded the bulk excavation package immediately after the partial demolition of the old shops. Another client satisfied with All States approach, work ethics and team effort.
We had excavated almost 75,000 tonnes of beach sand, excavating down in stages to assist the piling contractor who was constructing the anchors to each level. We had excavated down 2 levels for underground car park space, with de-watering being a very crucial point during our works. We had managed to re-use all materials on other projects giving All State a 100% recycling achievement.