+61 419 842 429 enquiries@asgs.net.au
All State Group were contracted to carry out the asbestos removal and demolition work to the well known Academy Cinema complex situated in the Adelaide CBD.
Allstate provided supervision, labour, plant and equipment and all public protection. We worked in unison to resolve any traffic management issues and achieved successful solutions to minimise disruption to road and foot traffic.
Savings to the environment in the form of minimising landfill, resulted in the recycling of 98% of the demolished materials.
The material was taken back to our recycling yard, crushed and tested and returned to site for backfilling and compacting to the basement, voids and trenches.
Dust and noise emissions for the project were at all material times effectively controlled through implementing only environmentally sensitive methods and continual monitoring of the work processes and always within all regulatory and legislative guidelines.
The demolition of the former Franklin Street Telephone exchange presented significant challenges for All State.
Concrete was used throughout the structure for structural framing, walls and floor systems and presented a rarely seen form of construction. Risks of large portions of structure breaking away uncontrollably due to poor or deteriorated connections were always kept in mind but the exceptionally skilled All State site crew completed the project without incident.
98% of all debris generated through demolition was recycled to assist our client in achieving “Green Star” certification. Significant quantities of friable blue asbestos pipe laggings were expertly processed and safely disposed of.
Not a single complaint was received from any adjoining occupant relating to noise, dust or nuisance from the All State project and is testimony to the exceptional dedication of the All State crew to provide outstanding services.
Allstate Group were contracted to carry out the asbestos removal and various residential and small commercial demolition work for the new underpass.
In this stage, the work consisted of 62 properties varying from single storey residential dwellings a child care centre a 5 storey block of units on the embankment of the Brown Hill Creek a church and many more 2 storey unit blocks.
This was a very sensitive projects being on one of Adelaide’s busiest main roads (Main South road). We worked in unison to resolve any traffic management issues and achieved successful solutions to minimise disruption to road and foot traffic.
All in all the project time frame was 22 days, this was achieved and completed 1 day ahead of schedule.
Again savings to the environment in the form of minimising landfill, resulted in the recycling of 98% of the demolished materials, with our innovating idea’s and in house recycling division we saved our clients in excess of $50,000 by utilising on site material, Our crushing division crushed the debris to a 50mm minus which our clients re-used for all there on site offices and Carpark area’s.
Overall a total of 85 properties were demolished for this project, which All State carried out 81 of them.
Dust and noise emissions for the project were at all material times effectively controlled through implementing only environmentally sensitive methods and continual monitoring of the work processes and always within all regulatory and legislative guidelines.
All State Group was awarded the landmark Adelaide Oval demolition project due to its pre-eminent reputation for safety, care and attention to detail and particular the need for due care and excellence with regard to the heritage status of a number of structures within the work area.
All work was carried out with process vibration being monitored at every 10 lineal metres to ensure heritage walls and other structures scheduled to remain were not subjected to excessive vibration in accordance with European vibration monitoring guidelines. All State was awarded the 2010 Master Builders Award for “Excellence in Services” from the Master builders association for the works carried out on this project.
This landmark project was extended once again to ASG as most appropriate contractor based on previous performance criteria.
The demolition work was carried out after the asbestos removal work with the client stating they received not one complaint from the thousands of residents using the park for recreational activities and as a thoroughfare including the surrounding public areas, residential premises and offices.
The Wingfied Project was a very delicate demolition and began while the structures were still on fire. All State was contacted by the Metropolitan Fire Fighters directly to assist in helping them with the building as it was on the verge of collapsing into neighbouring property and was likely to spread.
All State had its emergency demolition crew and plant delivered and assisted the Fire Fighters in putting the fire out and avoiding further collapsing.
The Fire department was highly impressed, with the Chief noting that they had been saved several days work with All State's assistance. With the great service provided, the insurance company awarded All State the full demolition of the structure.
Since then, the Metro Fire department has called upon All State to assist them with other fires.
The Silo was built back in 1940’s and was also used as a look out during World War II.
All State was contracted to demolish the condemned Silo. Utilising our High reach demolition machine (Optimus Prime) the job was carried out safely, efficiently and well within time frames.
All of Viterra’s Safety Officers came out to see the machine in action and were very impressed with the minimal labour used in high areas, including the time saving in such a safe manner.